
  1. This isn't inspiring, esp to your largely female base. Hard to be positive and to be mindful of your inspiring posts when my reaction to this post is anything but positive. Try to keep it clean. This is sexist, offensive. I'd like the men in the picture drop their shorts. But they won't, they're cozy and secure. The women are stripped, made vulnerable. These women jump through hoops and behave in trivial ways that bestow no dignity or benefit upon themselves. They're objectified puppets who do as others wish. They look like fools. They are faceless, nameless pieces of meat. If you don't see this, maybe you shouldnt be trying to inspire women or men.

  2. It is sexist if you want it to be sexist! that is you. You say these women are stripped and made vulnerable, i say they did it by choice! True there is nothing positive or inspiring about the picture but it is what it is, a joke. Al Sharpton says he is not racist but his comments and actions prove him to be a liar. Maybe your sexist?


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